Water Disruption/Boil Notice

American Water Services performs routine maintenance and checks on all our systems to ensure everything is working properly.  However,  despite best efforts, public utilities and other water suppliers are sometimes unable to prevent interruptions in water service.

When an interruption occurs we inform our water system customers here on our website. If it is a planned interruption we will also use one or more of the following methods to notify you: send notice to the email on file with our office, notify your HOA contact person, phone calls, and if we don’t have current contact info on file we will attempt to leave a door hanger. It is each customers responsibility to make sure we have the current contact info on file. To update or verify we have the correct info please fill our the form below.  We are very proactive in getting in touch but would appreciate you checking our website for more information any time you are in doubt.

If there is a Boil Water Advisory details will appear in the box below and a notice banner will appear at the top of every page on this website.

Public Advisory

No Boil Water Notice At This Time